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Zero Waste: Word Vomit

Going Zero Waste has become so much of a fad lately. Switching to a ZW lifestyle sounds easy breezy. Sure, you can bring your own cutlery, ecobag, reusable straw and all the basics...but how long can you sustain this? How long can you handle the weird stares of people, the hassle of bringing your own mess kit, and bulkiness of it all!

First question: Why am I doing this?

The need to satisfy human comforts and wants often compromises nature. It is a sad reality that we face...EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So to answer the question, I am doing this because the environment needs it. And yes, it needs more of it. I don't do this to make myself feel "good." The "self" is not my main priority. We always need to ask ourselves the reason why we do the things we DO and this not only applies to having a ZW lifestyle. I believe that the things we do must have a purpose. Don't do stuff just because others are into it. Realizing that makes this whole journey more meaningful.


Who takes time to shred plastic and packs it all in a bottle? *Raises hand up* ME! It may seem like it's just a PET bottle with worthless trash in it but let me tell you, with that bottle comes a whole lot of conscious effort, sheer patience and heaps of determination. Ecobricking gives you a sense of awareness of how much plastic, some unnecessary even, that is circulating in our biosphere. It opens your eyes to how plastic has become a part of everybody's lives. It's more of a reality slap that when you go shopping, you try to lessen the plastic that goes in your cart.

Needs vs Wants

Many have this pre-conceived idea that going ZW is expensive. No, it's not... One of the many things this has taught me is to see the value of the things I already have. Remember, needs are different from wants. You might want that pastel colored tumbler, but you have that works just as good. So, do you still need it? :) What might make this costly is if you can't separate the needs vs the wants.

Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself

I have my fair share of ZW fails. Believe me, it happens. It's inevitable. Don't let it dismay you. What matters is that you are trying. Just put that plastic in your brick!


Switching to a ZW lifestyle is not for everybody. Not just YET. Don't stress over the things you can't change. As long as the effort's there, everything else follows. Plastic has been plaguing the Earth for as long as we can remember. It has provided convenience but at the same time, is being a curse! Therefore, getting rid of it won't exactly be an OVERNIGHT process. I'm not sure if we can totally be plastic-free...but every bit of effort means one less plastic polluting nature. Another thing is to inspire and educate. Bashing others just because they don't have the same practices as we do won't contribute anything but hatred (which the world has enough of already.) Let's spread more love, shall we?

That's just my two cents. Word vomit on a rainy Saturday. What has this ZW lifestyle taught you?


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