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Zero Waste: I Just Made Oat Milk!

Have you ever tried of ways to make milk consumption sound a little more earth-friendly?

Well here ya go! But let me tell you a short story first. LOL

One day, as I was having coffee in the kitchen, I noticed a huge bag of rolled oats my parents had brought about two months ago. *ta da! * Coincidentally, I came across this video on Youtube on how to make Oat Milk! *end of story!* Kidding aside :D

Quaker Oats

So now I'm going to share with you my own Oat Milk recipe. Feel free to add honey if you like it sweeter!

You'll need:

1 cup Rolled Oats (I used Quaker Oats)

1000 mL Water

2-3 tbsp Honey

A dash of Salt

1. In a jar, put your oats and water. Soak overnight.

2. Then place the honey, water and oats in a blender. Add a dash of salt. Blend until in turns white (like milk!)

3. Strain. Strain until smooth. You might need to do this about 2 times.

Sometimes I get lazy so I just strain once.

4. Chill. Serve!


*FYI: 1/4 cup of Oat Milk has 75 calories*

You can use this for making pan cakes, cereal or just have it alone. It's pretty good. It's preservative - free, too! And you can make it anytime you want.

I still have some oatmeal left and the plastic went straight to my brick! Making your own milk also keeps tetra packs from getting into landfill. They may be in boxes but they are lined with non-biodegradable wax. :( So why not hit two birds with one stone? Save money, save the environment. When purchased in stores, oat milk costs about PhP 200- 220. ;) Keep that piggy bank happy!

Enjoy making milk! By adapting a ZW lifestyle, you'll realize that the possibilities are endless!


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