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Diversity is Beautiful: India (Part II)

Not everything you read about is what it seems. Snow in India? Why not? We then ventured to the northeastern state, Sikkim. It is little heard of but if there's one place you must visit, this is it. We were very close to China already as this borders it in the north and east. Big plus, it's already part of the Himalayas! Say hello to mini Europe! It is the cleanest and second least populous state in India. Travel tip: You need to secure a permit before entering. Bring a photocopy of your passport with you.

We only had a few days to spare before heading back to Kolkata so to maximize our trip, we booked for a one day tour with Neepun Travel & Tours. The highlight of it all is Tsomgo lake. It's a two-hour drive from Gangtok. On the way there you get to witness the majestic snow-covered mountains and it indeed left us breathless. I have never seen such a scene my whole life! Oh my, it is surrounded by tantalizing landscapes. Our faces lit with excitement as we rushed towards the snow...and just like little kids we were! While there, we also rode a yak. It was my first time to see one and it was lovely with its black and white patches. (you know how much I love animals). Ahhh yes! On the way back, we stopped by for some hot tea and noodles. The tour guide brought us to Ganesh Tok and Namgyal Monastery. The latter was re-established by the 14th Dalai Lama. My feet were numbing with cold but I hardly noticed it. I was having the time of my life!

On the way to Darjeeling district.

Outside the center

Outside the center.


Newfound friends!

New found friends :)

White Conch House, our home while in Gangtok, was nearby MG Marg. Also known as Mahatma Gandhi Road, this place is spotless. You don't see any litter or spit on the streets. It is a long stretch of shops and small cafes/ restaurants where people take a casual stroll or simply hang out on the benches in the middle. It's a trash-free, transpo-free and spit - free area. lol Cars are not allowed within one kilometer of this place. Most shops here are open at 8 am to 7 pm. If that's too early for you, you can go for a bit of a longer walk outside MG Marg. There are numerous stores that are still open. We stayed up late during our last night here. Deep inside I know that it wouldn't be the last time I'll be seeing this place.

Our home for the holidays.

Mt. Everest in the morning.


Heading to Tsomgo Lake.


MG Marg!

Strays in MG Marg. "Aija" means come here!

I hugged a Yak!

Monk at the monastery.

For every spin, your sins are forgiven.

More snow!

Panoramic View of Tsomgo lake.

The lady at the cafe where we ate.

The countless butt cramps, dizziness and vomiting were so worth it. When you see the Himalayan mountains, when you feel the numbing snow with your bare hands and when you breathe in the cold morning air and have a glimpse of Mount Everest right across your hotel window, you will realize that these moments make life worth living. This wasn't a "chance" we waited for. It was something we worked hard for. Don't wait for moments to happen, go and make memories. Live life!

⌘ ⌘ ⌘

✈ Michelle ✈

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